Latest News

Updated 09 September 2024

Please note that due to annual leave there will be no spares service from Monday 23rd September 2024 to Monday 14th October. Apologies for any inconvenience.

The Club is purchasing OHP 101 with the intention of dismantling it. More details here :- OHP 101

Four members attended the South Cerney Steam Rally on 3rd August. A huge and enjoyable event, worth putting into next year’s diary.

The Club Committee met by Zoom on 30 July: Amongst otherwise mundane matters such as future rallies, production of The Globe Magazine, Risk Assessments and updates to the Club constitution was a lively debate about filming the dismantling of a Razoredge to document the process.

The Annual Rally was held at Hollycombe on Sunday 14 July. This year’s event was in Memoriam to our late Chairman, Chris Hewitt.

Detailed goings-on are archived at Members’ Activities 2024.